"If I have seen further than others, it is by standing on the shoulders of giants." - Sir Isaac Newton
Andy Lloyd built upon the theories of Zechariah Sitchin. In "The Twelfth Planet", Sitchin proposed the existence of
another planet beyond Pluto, based upon his interpretation of ancient Sumerian cylinder seals and clay tablets. Sitchin called
this planet 'Nibiru'. He stated that it has a highly elongated, elliptical, retrograde orbit of 3600 years, at a 30-degree
inclination to the plane of the Earth's orbit. Sitchin also claimed that Nibiru is the homeworld of the Annunaki, an ancient
alien race that introduced civilization to our ancestors.
Andy Lloyd has a slightly different view on Nibiru. In his first Nibiru piece, "The Winged Disc: The Dark Star Theory",
Lloyd proposed that Nibiru is a brown dwarf star or gas-giant planet larger than Jupiter. The Annunaki homeworld is a satellite
of Nibiru.
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